Our Town Mayor Cllr David Haigh, had the great privilege of attending the Meltham Memories Retro Event on Saturday 6th July in the Town Centre, where a number of activities were held at The Carlile Institute, Carlile St Car Park, Meltham C of E School and across the centre of Meltham Village.
A parade initiated the event with fantastic decorated floats from members of our community and the infamous David Brown Tractors, followed by a number of musical performances around the Town by the Meltham Brass Band and Pipe Band. The Rifters Band also staged a performance in the Church hall.
Food and stalls were also available throughout the day followed by entertainment in the local pub/bars in the evening.
A highly successful day, bringing the local community together.
Meltham Town Council would like to thank all those involved in making this a fantastic day and assisting with the making of more memories.